Supervisor Michael B. Specht
Deputy Supervisor Brendel Charles
Town Board: Michael Rossman, David Wanounou & Yehuda Weissmandl

On Monday, January 21, we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. As stated in the vision statement on Dr. King's memorial he, "championed a movement that draws fully from the deep well of America's potential, opportunity and justice."

In these divisive times, Dr. King’s message of peace, love and understanding is as important now, more than ever.  

Please be advised that Town Hall will be closed on Monday to celebrate his holiday.

Michael B. Specht
Weather Alert
Due to the impending snow storm, no parking is permitted on any street in Unincorporated Ramapo between the hours of 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM. These restrictions will be strictly enforced. This is to assist with our ice and snow removal operations. 

Safety Tips from O&R
·          For safety’s sake, don’t touch or approach any downed wire. Assume it is energized and dangerous. Call O&R immediately toll-free 1-877-434-4100. Depending on the situation, you may also want to call your local police to divert traffic until an O&R crew arrives.
·        When temperatures dip and you’re without power, don’t use a natural-gas-powered oven or range to heat a room, and do not use a charcoal grill inside your home. Doing so could create either a fire hazard or a life-threatening exposure to carbon monoxide gas.
·        If you experience a power outage, don’t assume that O&R automatically knows about it or that someone else will report it. To be sure the outage is reported, please call O&R toll-free at 1-877-434-4100 to let O&R know what happened. The more information you can provide, the more O&R can help you.   
There are several ways customers can report outages and check service restoration status:
  • Go to the O&R website from any computer or web-enabled mobile device;
  • Use the O&R mobile app from your iPhone, iPad or Android device;
  • Text “OUT” to 69678 (myORU); or
  • Call Customer Assistance at 1-877-434-4100
Supervisor Michael B. Specht and Deputy Supervisor Brendel Charles attended a candlelight vigil for 2010 Haitian earthquake victims.